Kiva Rose Hardin
Kiva Rose Hardin is an herbalist, mythologist, author, and poet whose work is rooted in her relationship with plants, fungi, and the more than human world. She lectures and writes on the subjects of mythopoetic plant medicine, folk magic, folklore, animism, and psychology with an emphasis on fairy tale motifs, embodied enchantment, and the forest as archetype. She lives off-grid in a remote riparian canyon deep in the Gila Forest of southwest New Mexico with her beloved husband, Jesse Wolf Hardin, and their children, Inga Winter and Ælfyn Thorn.
Kiva’s first book, The Weedwife’s Remedy: Folk Herbalism For The Hedgewise was published in December of 2019, and her next book, Thorn & Thicket: Woodland Herbalism For The Hedgewise is forthcoming from Plant Healer Press in Winter of 2022. More of her writing can be found at The Enchanter’s Green She also co-directs the annual Plant Healer’s Herbal Confluence in Durango, Colorado, each May and is co-editor of Plant Healer Quarterly with Jesse which you can find at
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