What Is a Cold Infusion + Herbs to Cold Infuse
Infusions are an enjoyable method for savoring and receiving the benefits of herbs. Also referred to simply as tea, an herbal infusion is technically called a tisane and involves steeping fresh or dried herbs in water for a period of time. The water used for an infusion can be hot or cold depending on the herbs you use and the effect you desire, as well as your preference and mood. In this blog, we are going to focus on what a cold infusion is, what herbs work best with this method, and how to make a cold infusion.
A cold infusion is a method for making a tisane using room temperature water rather than hot. There are several instances where a cold infusion might be preferred over a cup of steaming hot tea. Due to the gentle nature of the cold infusion method, it is ideal for aromatic plants whose volatile constituents would otherwise be damaged by heat. Additionally, some herbs contain plant constituents that are best extracted at room temperature to draw the most benefits out of the plant material. There are also plant constituents, such as bitter compounds, that you may not want in a cup of tea. These constituents aren’t readily dissolved by cool water, so can make for a more pleasurable brew. Lastly, you may want a cold infusion for sheer enjoyment. There’s nothing more fun or delicious than picking fresh herbs from the garden on a sunny day and letting them infuse in the natural warmth. It’s a summertime ritual at our house.
Guide to Green Tea: How to Determine Quality and Flavor Expectations
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. On average, 600,000 tons are consumed each year! It is predominantly enjoyed in China, Japan, and surrounding countries where many cups are poured throughout the day. Pretty remarkable for one plant, right?
In the western world, it is common to see green tea listed on a menu, but rarely do we specify the type of tea or where it’s from. These factors play a huge role in its flavor and aroma yet are often left out of the description. Similar to wines, there is a wide array of flavor profiles found in green tea—imagine if everywhere you went wines were only listed as white or red; how would you know what to choose? And if you enjoyed it, how could you find it again? In this blog, I’m going to talk about some different types of green tea and what makes them so unique.