How to Make Herbal Syrups for Cocktails, Mocktails, Pancakes, & More!

How to Make Herbal Syrups for Cocktails, Mocktails, Pancakes, & More!

Homemade simple syrups infused with dried herbs are a handy ingredient to have at the ready and as the name implies, they are incredibly easy to make! If you can boil water, you can make simple syrup. Herb-infused syrups can be added to carbonated water, brushed on cakes, drizzled on yogurt or pancakes, and, of course, added to mocktails! They are also a great way to take herbs without the use of alcohol and are especially great for getting kids to willfully add healthy ingredients to their diet.

Ashwagandha: Uses And Benefits + Tasty Recipes

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) a plant highly praised in the Ayurvedic tradition, is in the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family. It’s been said that the herb may give both energy and calmness to those plagued with physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. The species name somnifera means sleep-inducing, whereas ashwagandha comes from the Sanskrit words “ashva” and “gandha,” meaning “horse smell” since some think the roots of this calming plant smell like a horse. To each their own in the smell department; however, being a trophorestorative herb, it can bring “horselike” strength and vitality when used consistently over time.  Ashwagandha has also been known to have a positive effect on cortisol levels due to real and perceived stress triggers and their subsequent physical and emotional symptoms. With stress being a way of life for many, the release of stress may also result in increased vigor and energy.

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Chia Pudding for Energy

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. It all begins with an oat or chia blend that you can customize to your tastes—add nutritious herbal powders, nuts, seeds, and more. Create your favorite blends in bulk and store them in jars for a super easy, delicious get-up-and-go breakfast!

Homemade After-Dinner Digestif Lozenges

This is the time of year when we start thinking about heartier winter eating and festive holiday meals. Yum, right?! But we know that the shift to winter—not just the food, but also changes in our routine, less sun and exercise, the stressors of the holidays, etc.—impacts our digestive function. Healthy digestive functioning is key to wellness. Fortunately, we have time to get ahead of this seasonal dietary and energy flux that can throw our normal balance off-kilter. We’re going to walk you through the steps to make easy homemade after-dinner digestif lozenges! We invite you to also read our blog to learn more about the three herbal actions that are especially helpful: bitters, aromatics, and demulcents and to get even more recipes to make ahead so you can support your gut through the cold months.

How to Make Bilberry & Hawthorn Berry Syrup with jim mcdonald

How to Make Bilberry & Hawthorn Berry Syrup with jim mcdonald

Adding herbs, berries, and other healthful ingredients to apple cider is a delicious way to bring botanical support to your diet, so we’re excited to share this easy recipe by our friend jim mcdonald!

Make this syrup with hawthorn berries and bilberries as jim does, or substitute blueberries or any other dark-colored berry that contains anthocyanin and antioxidants to help support the cardiovascular system. Who doesn’t love a functional herbal preparation that is also delicious?

Visit jim mcdonald’s website here:
Or find jim on social media @herb.craft


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