Natural Homemade Slime with Psyllium

Natural Homemade Slime with Psyllium

Summer is a great time to make simple kid-friendly psyllium slime! Unlike so many of the DIY slime recipes you find on the Internet, slime made with psyllium husk is pure, natural, and safe. It takes less than 10 minutes to make and is good for days of fun. Many of us have psyllium husk around the house, so it’s easy to whip up a batch of this crazy substance that defies Newton’s laws of viscosity, but if you’re not one of those people, you may be asking yourself what in the world you’re going to do with the extra psyllium husk when it takes as little as a teaspoon to make slime. Research shows that psyllium husk offers our bodies myriad benefits, promoting digestive and heart health as well as healthy insulin and blood sugar levels. It’s also handy in the kitchen and is a key ingredient in gluten-free baking. Ultimately, what makes psyllium husk good for our gut and gluten-free lifestyle is also what makes it an excellent ingredient in natural DIY slime: this high-fiber husk expands with liquids and forms a gel. It just so happens that that gel is a lot of fun to play with!

How to Make Slime with Psyllium Husk

How to Make Slime with Psyllium Husk

Slime—that strange substance that defies Newton’s laws of viscosity—has been a staple in store toy aisles for almost 50 years and the DIY versions have been around almost as long. The typical school-science-project slime recipe involves mixing either borax or contact lens solution with PVA glue and water. The science behind it is a chemical reaction between the polyvinyl acetate in the glue and the borate ions in the contact solution or borax, an action called cross-linking that results in a logic-defying substance that is a whole lot of fun to play with. However, fascinating DIY science aside, too much exposure to boron—which is the base of borax, boric acid, and also, ironically, that contact lens solution—can cause respiratory, skin, and eye irritation, and when ingested can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Note the caution on the front of a box of borax detergent: Caution: Eye irritant, may be harmful if swallowed. Needless to say, that DIY slime hack is not ideal for small children, particularly those who tend to taste-test things. Fortunately for the child in all of us, you can make slime from psyllium husk!

Herbal Action Project, with Jesús Garcia | Tea Talks with Jiling

Jiling and Jesús discuss herbal traditions, family root work, children’s botanical practices, and nourishing community connections.

Jesús Garcia is a Mexican Shaman and Herbalist teaching the traditions of lineage work through botanica practices of curanderia and community spiritual herbalism. Jesús is an early childcare educator focusing on nature school fundamentals through holistic enrichment garden programs and is the founder of the Herbal Action Project, a nature play-school and community garden sanctuary.

Jiling and Jesús discuss herbal traditions, family root work, children’s botanical practices, and nourishing community connections.

Plant Stories | Featuring Doug Elliot

There may be no better person that embodies the vision of “Plant Stories” like herbal troubadour and Appalachian naturalist, Doug Elliot. A gifted storyteller, Doug recites both wisdom and whimsical through spoken word and song. We’ve compiled some of our favorite songs that Doug has recorded with us and are releasing them together, in this delightful and heart-warming episode. Our host, Thomas, gives a brief introduction in between Doug’s sets, offering context for each of the four botanical tales & tunes. 

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Chia Pudding for Energy

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. It all begins with an oat or chia blend that you can customize to your tastes—add nutritious herbal powders, nuts, seeds, and more. Create your favorite blends in bulk and store them in jars for a super easy, delicious get-up-and-go breakfast!

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Power Powder Blends

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. Jiling Lin has created 3 Power Powder blends to add to your food and beverage creations. These powder blends are delicious and easy ways to incorporate herbalism into your daily life. Feel free to mix and match herbal powders according to your seasonal needs and individual constitution. Have fun, create something delicious in bulk, and store it in a big jar to easily satisfy your daily breakfast needs!

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Powerhouse Oatmeal

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. It all begins with an oat or chia blend that you can customize to your tastes—add nutritious herbal powders, nuts, seeds, and more. Create your favorite blends in bulk and store them in jars for a super easy, delicious get-up-and-go breakfast!

Homemade Playdough Recipe With Herbal Coloring

Now that it’s getting colder, you may be thinking about how to entertain the little ones in your life, and maybe you need some fun gifts for the upcoming holidays, too. Which of course means it’s time for natural, homemade, no-cook playdough that you can easily color with herbal powders rather than artificial food dyes! This DIY dough is simple and fast to make, it’s food-safe, it’s useable within minutes of making it, and in an airtight container, it can last for a couple of months. Vegetable and berry powders are excellent choices for coloring playdough— kale powder makes grass-green, turmeric makes a deep yellow, beet root makes red, cranberry makes pink, hibiscus makes purple, cacao and black teas makes brown, etc. This recipe is a good one to do with kids, too, because there’s no cooking and the powders make it oh-so-easy!


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