Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Spring Pesto Recipes for Health & Vitality

Research compiled by Oregon State University has shown that roughly half of the adult population in the United States doesn’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals that leafy greens supply: 52% don’t get the recommended intake of magnesium, 44% don’t get enough calcium, and 43% don’t get enough vitamin C. Although many of us know that we need two to three cups of leafy greens a day to supply our exquisitely complex bodies with the vitamins and minerals needed to carry out cellular processes and repairs, many of us have trouble eating adequate amounts of those greens.

Dandelion Chive Pesto Recipe for Spring

Dandelion Chive Pesto Recipe for Spring

Research has shown that about half of U.S. adults don’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals that leafy greens provide, including magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and more. Our bodies need those nutrients to carry out cellular processes and repairs, but many of us find it difficult to get an adequate amount of those all-important greens. Enter… pesto! Pesto is a fantastic way to bring fresh greens and herbs—with all their flavor and nutrients—to your meals. Adding fresh herbs helps our bodies improve nutrient uptake by increasing digestibility, supporting the enzymes and probiotics in the gut, and helping to catalyze digestive processes. When you have pesto on hand, it’s easy to top any cooked food with fresh greens! When you think of pesto, you might think of the delicious basil version, but our friend, herbalist Kami McBride, has four new pesto recipes for you to try, because the world of pesto is bigger than basil.

Homemade Mushroom Bouillon + Seasoning Salt Recipe

If you love the convenience of instant noodles, but want to avoid the unhealthy additives in store-bought ramen-style soups, we have the perfect solution; easy, quick, homemade mushroom bouillon powder with extra herbal goodness! Whether you use it as powder or make it into bouillon paste, this DIY mushroom bouillon offers up the delicious umami flavor and health-supporting superpowers of shiitake mushrooms combined with an herb-centered seasoning salt blend, plus added protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins from nutritional yeast flakes. It’s perfect for noodle bowls, roasted and sautéed vegetables, omelettes, and more. You can make the seasoning salt and the bouillon in less than fifteen minutes and keep them on hand for super-quick meals in the future. Just be sure to purchase ramen or gluten-free noodles without unhealthy preservatives, and you’re on your way to a delicious, healthy, super-fast noodle bowl.

Mushroom Bouillon Powder And Paste + Homemade Seasoning Salt Recipe

My youngest son loves ramen: both the hand-pulled noodle restaurant version and the instant kind. His passion for instant ramen is left over from his first foray, years ago, into the adult world of supporting himself on minimum wage. Thankfully, as he’s matured, he’s become more concerned about eating real food without the MSG, tBHQ, and astronomically high sodium content that is typical in grocery store ramen. But quick easy ramen is still the food he reaches for when he’s in a hurry and needs a fast meal… which explains my quest to develop an easy, healthy, homemade bouillon powder/paste that he can add to his noodle bowls in place of those unhealthy flavor packets that come in store-bought instant ramen noodles.

Interviews On Herbal Radio With Thomas Dick | Featuring Jiling Lin

Thomas sat down with our good friend and talented herbalist, Jiling Lin, over Zoom this past fall to get to know her a little better. We’ve had the great fortune of partnering with Jiling on numerous projects including filming instructional videos, writing poetic blogs and journal articles, emceeing Free Herbalism Projects, and of course hosting Tea Talks on Herbal Radio. We’re so grateful for the opportunity to get to know Jiling even more as Thomas and Jiling chat about her upbringing, the sharing of plants and stories, and the pivotal herbal plot points in her life. We hope you enjoy our conversation with Jiling as much as we did! 

Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Healthy Breakfast Recipes + 5 Superfood Powder Blends

Many of us experience busy mornings, juggling personal preparations with the needs of our children and other responsibilities. But it’s important to make time for breakfast, to give your body something substantial to solidly start your day. By making blends ahead of time, you can quickly and easily nourish yourself with either a hearty oatmeal blend or a lighter chia blend, topped with nuts. You

can also mix and match my “power powder” herbal blends according to your seasonal needs and individual constitution. Have fun, create something delicious in bulk, and store it in a big jar to easily and quickly satisfy your daily breakfast needs!

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Chia Pudding for Energy

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. It all begins with an oat or chia blend that you can customize to your tastes—add nutritious herbal powders, nuts, seeds, and more. Create your favorite blends in bulk and store them in jars for a super easy, delicious get-up-and-go breakfast!

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Power Powder Blends

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. Jiling Lin has created 3 Power Powder blends to add to your food and beverage creations. These powder blends are delicious and easy ways to incorporate herbalism into your daily life. Feel free to mix and match herbal powders according to your seasonal needs and individual constitution. Have fun, create something delicious in bulk, and store it in a big jar to easily satisfy your daily breakfast needs!

Healthy Breakfast Recipes: Powerhouse Oatmeal

Trying to get everyone in the family out the door with everything they need on a busy morning can be challenging. It’s hard, when you’re trying to juggle so many balls at once, to make time for a healthy breakfast. Happily, our friend Jiling Lin has some great ideas that you can make ahead so you and the ones you love can start your day with something substantial to feed your body and mind. It all begins with an oat or chia blend that you can customize to your tastes—add nutritious herbal powders, nuts, seeds, and more. Create your favorite blends in bulk and store them in jars for a super easy, delicious get-up-and-go breakfast!


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